
Tulu Flowers and Kannada Flowers

Flowers Names and Tulu Flowers Names – Are you familiar with the names of every flowers that graces your garden? If not, it’s time to uncover them. Discussing more about the world of flowers names, encompassing not only those in your immediate surroundings but also from across the globe, can be a captivating and vocabulary-enhancing pursuit. In this article, we will introduce you to a multitude of flowers names and offer insights into some of the frequently encountered and well-known flowers.

Why It’s Important to Know Tulu Flowers Names or in Any Languages?

You might wonder why it’s essential for children and new language learners to know the names of flowers. There are two key reasons: to foster an interest in understanding the world around them and to enhance their vocabulary. So, are you ready to enrich your vocabulary? Check out the list of flowers names, and discover some intriguing alternative names for these blooms.

Flowers Names in English, Kannada, Tulu with Pictures

This collection features 100 flowers with their names in English and Hindi, along with vibrant images. It’s a handy guide for flower lovers and language learners to enjoy the beauty of these blooms while expanding their vocabulary in both languages.

Running parallel to the western coast of India’s peninsula, the Western Ghats is an area with one of the richest biological diversity. This chain of hills runs for about 1,600 kilometers in length and rises to a maximum height of 2,800 meters. Considered one of the global hotspots for biodiversity, this landscape harbors abundant microbes, plants and animals. From a rich assemblage of large mammals to the mysterious bioluminescent fungus, the Western Ghats are a delight for nature explorers. Many fascinating species such as the Nigiri tahr and Lion-tailed macaques are endemic to this region. I born and brought in coastal regions of Mangalore, proximity to Western Ghat, always fascinated by the richest biological diversity of the Western Ghat and want to contribute to preserve these endemic and endangered plants, trees. I have plans to do that in my own property near Mangalore. I will provide more details about it in future blogs.

Neelakurinji flowers that blooms once in 12 years

I had heard about a particular plant growing in the Western ghats, mostly in the area around Munnar, called the Neelakurinji, that blooms only once every 12 years or so. Recent bloom of Neelakurinji was in 2018. The next predicted bloom will be in 2030, and I am eagerly waiting to see it, dreaming of an elusive, hard-to-find plant in uncultivated forests. These are Small flowers, a pinkish-purple color with a white tinge.

Neelakurinji flower

Neelakurinji Honey: A Taste of the Western Ghats

The Neelakurinji flower blooms once every 12 years. Allison Stewart visits a beekeeper’s farm in Coorg when the Neelakurinji is in bloom, to harvest honey that captures the unique flavors of the Western Ghats. Because honey is made from the nectar of plants near the beehive, honey can describe the local landscape; representing terroir much in the same way that wine represents the flavors of its region. It literally is the taste of the local vegetation and the specific season — the plants at that particular time of the year, encapsulated in a drop of of sweet syrup. More than anything, it is important to buy single varietal honeys that are raw. Most of the the honeys available in the commercial market are combined, heated, and filtered to create a streamlined product that is mild in taste, far from the intense flavors of raw single varietal honeys that embody terroir. Some honey experts have even created a tasting wheel for tasting notes of varying honey varietals. I’ve tasted dozens of honeys in Madikeri; some are salty and crisp, some are mellow and creamy, some are dark colored and resemble molasses. The taste of the Neelakurinji honey, more than anything, tastes like pineapples with distinct notes of lavender.
Natural Beehive and Honeycombs

Flowers are of many types and sometimes it is just overwhelming to keep a track of the names of various flowers that you can see around you. However, knowing a few of them does not hurt and sometimes plays an important role while we converse with somebody or are doing some work.

Tulu Flowers and Kannada Flowers Name

Here is the table of the some of the common flowers found in Coastal Regions of Mangalore, Udupi, Kasargod and its equivalent Tulu and Kannada names.

English Names for FlowersEnglish Names or Common Names for FlowersPictures of the FlowerIn KannadaIn Kannada FontIn TuluIn HindiIn TamilIn MalayalamIn TeluguBotanical NameFamily
1Rose rose gulabi in tuluGulabiಗುಲಾಬಿGulabiगुलाबPannir PooPannir Poo/Pannir PushpamPannir Roja Rosa IndicaRosaceae
2Jasminejasmine mallige in tuluMalligeಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆMalligeचमेलीMallikai/MalligaiMulla PooMallepuvu/Mallepoolu
3Arabian JasmineArabian Jasmine dundu mallige in tuluDuṇḍu Malligeದುಂಡು ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆDundu MalligeMallepuvu/Mallepoolu
4Night Flowering Jasmine/Nyctanthes arbor-tristis/Tree of Sadness/Tree of Sorrow/Coral Jasmine/Star JasmineNight Flowering Jasmine - Kannada Name - HarasingarPaarijaathaಪಾರಿಜಾತPaarijaathaहरसिंगार
5Crape Jasminecrape jasmine in tuluNandi Battalu/Nanju Battalu/Nandyaavarta/Tagara ನಂದಿಬಟ್ಟಲು/ನಂಜುಬಟ್ಟಲು/ನಂದ್ಯಾವರ್ತ/ತಗರ चांदनी फूलNandiar VattaiTabernaemontana DivaricataApocynaceae (Oleander family)
6Double Flowering Crape Jasmine/ Crape JasmineDouble Flowering Crape Jasmine in tuluNandi Battalu/Nanju Battalu/Nandyaavarta/Tagara ನಂದಿಬಟ್ಟಲು/ನಂಜುಬಟ್ಟಲು/ನಂದ್ಯಾವರ್ತ/ತಗರ Manjatti PooचांदनीNandiar VattaiTabernaemontana DivaricataFlore Pleno
7Cypress VineCypress Vine in tuluKaamalathe or Kempu Malligeಕಾಮಲತೆ/ಕಾಸಿರತ್ನ/ಕೆಂಪುಮೊಲ್ಲೆ/ಕಾಮನಬಳ್ಳಿKaamalathe/Kaasiratna/Kempu Molle/Kaamana Balli,Akasha-Mulla,/Narayani Poovu
Kaashi RatnamLpomoea QuamoclitConvolvulaceae
8Four O’ Clock Flower/Four O' Clock Jasmine/Japanese Wonder Flower/ Beauty-of-the-night/ Marvel of PeruFour O'Clock Flower Bayya Mallige in TuluSanje Mallige/Madhyaahna mallige/Gullumunchi/Vibhooti Hoo/Naalku Gante Hooಸಂಜೆ ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ/ಮಧ್ಯಾಹ್ನಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ/ಗುಲ್ಲುಮುಂಚಿ/ವಿಭೂತಿಹೂ/ನಾಲ್ಕುಗಂಟೆಹೂBayya MalligePattarashu/AndhiAnthimalari/Anti-Mantaram/Naalu Mani PoovuChandrakantha/Chandramalli Mirabilis Jalapa Nyctaginaceae
9Chrysanthemum/ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum Sevanthige in TuluSevanthigeಸೇವಂತಿಗೆ/ಶಾವಂತಿಗೆ/ಶ್ಯಾವಂತಿಗೆ/ಶೇವಂತಿಗೆSevanthige/Shaavantige/Shyaavantige/ShevantigeChandramallikaSaamandiChamuntiChrysanthemum Indicum Asteraceae
10DandelionDandelion Kaadu SevanthigeKaadu SevanthigeಕಾಡುಸೇವಂತಿಗೆKaad Sevanthige Dudhi/Baran/Dudal DugddhapheniPatriTaraxacum OfficinaleAsteraceae
11Plumeria/Golden Frangipani/White FrangipaniPlumeria Naga Sampige in TuluDeva Kanagileದೇವ ಕಣಗಿಲೆ/ನಾಗಸಂಪಿಗೆ/ ದೇವ ಗಣುಗಲDeva Kanagile/Naga Sampige/Deva Ganugalaसोन चम्पा/प्लमेरिया/गुलैन्चीNela Sampangi Deva GanneruPlumeria Pudica Apocynaceae
12Cobra SaffronCobra Saffron Naga Kesara in TuluNaga Kesaraನಾಗರ ಕೇಸರಿNaga Kesaraनाग चम्पा
13CrossandraCrossandra Abboli in TuluKanakambara/Abbolige /Abbaligeಕನಕಾಂಬರ/ಅಬ್ಬೊಲಿಗೆ/ಅಬ್ಬಲಿಗೆAbbolige/AbboliअबोलीCem-payirava-p-punut/KanakamparamPriyadarshin KanakambaramuCrossandra Infundibuliformis Acanthaceae
14Hibiscushibiscus-daasaala-in-tuluDasavalaದಾಸವಾಳDaasanaaGudhal/Javakusum/JaswaanSembaruthChembarathiMandaram PuvvuMalvaceae
15Marigold/Yellow MarigoldMarigold-flower gonde poo in tulu Chendu Hoovu/Chendu Mallige/ Seeme shaavantige/Gonde Hooಚೆಂಡು ಹೂವು/ಚಂಡುಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ/ಚೆಂಡುಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ/ಸೀಮೆಶಾವಂತಿಗೆ/ಗೊಂಡೆ ಹೂವುGonde Pooगेंदे का फूल/मैरीगोल्ड Saamandhi PooChethiBanthi PuvvuTagetes Erecta Asteraceae
16ChampakChampak Genda Sampige in TuluSampigeಸಂಪಿಗೆSampageChampa/ChampacaShanpagamCabakam (ചബകം)/ChampakamChampakamu.Magnolia Champaca Magnoliaceae
17Golden Champak/Magnolia ChampacaChampak, Golden Champa Genda Sampige in TuluKenda Sampigeಕೆಂಡ ಸಂಪಿಗೆGenda SampageChampa/ChampacaMagnolia Champaca Magnoliaceae
18Sunflowersunflower-in-kannadaSooryakanthiಸೂರ್ಯಕಾಂತಿ/ ಸೂರ್ಯಮುಖಿ/ಅರ್ಕಪುಷ್ಪ/ಹೊತ್ತುತಿರುಗಹೂSooryakanthi/Suryamukh/ArkapushpaiसूरजमुखीSuryakaantiSuryakaanthiPoddutiruguḍu PuvvuHelianthus Annuus Asteraceae
19LotusLotus thaamare in tuluThaavare/Kamala/Abal/Abaluತಾವರೆ/ಕಮಲ/ಆಬಲ್/ಆಬಲುThaamareकमल/पद्मTāmarai MalarThaamara(താമര)Thaamara PuvvuNelumbo NuciferaNelumbonaceae
20TuberoseTuberoses (Polianthes) Mixed - Sugandharaja in KannadaSugnadharajaಸುಗಂಧರಾಜकंद फूल
21Bluebellvine or Butterfly Pea or Bluebell Flowerbluebell flower in tulu Shanka Pushpaಶಂಖಪುಷ್ಪSanka Pooनीला फूल
22BurflowerBurflower-kannada-name-kadamba-hoovuKadamba Hoovuಕದಂಬ ಹೂವು
23BaboolBabool FLower - kannada name - kari jaaliKarijaaliಕರಿಜಾಲಿ
24Crown FlowerCrown-Flower-kannada-name-Ekkada-HoovuEkkada Hoovuಎಕ್ಕದ ಹೂವುEkkada Pooसफ़ैद आक
25DahliaDahlia-Kannada-Name-Dere-HovvuDere Hovvuಡೇರೆ ಹೂವುDere Pooडेहलिया
26StramoniumDatura-Kannada-Name-UmmattiUmmatti or Datturaಉಮ್ಮತ್ತಿ or ದತ್ತೂರसफ़ेद धतुरा
27Lilly or Blue Water Lily or Water LilyLily-Kannada-Name-NaidileNaidileನೈದಿಲೆ ಹೂವುNaidileनीलकमल
28Fire Lily/Flame Lily/Glory Lilyfire-lilly-agni-shikhe-in-kannadaAgni Shikheಅಗ್ನಿಶಿಖೆबचनाग
29LeucasLeucas - Thumbe Poo in TuluThumbe Hoovuತುಂಬೆ ಹೂವುThumbe Poo
30OleanderOleander - Kanagile in KannadaKanagileಕಣಗಿಲೆ/ಪಡ್ಡಳಿ/ಕರವೀರKaraveera Poo
31Indian OleanderIndian Oleander - Karaveera Poo In TuluKaraveera Pushpaಕರವೀರ ಪುಷ್ಪKaraveera Pooपीला कनेर
32Yellow OleanderYellow Oleander -Kaadu Kanagile in KannadaKaadu Kanagileಕಾಡು ಕಣಗಿಲೆKaat Karaveera Pooपीला कनेर
33Night Blooming Jasmine night-blooming-jasmine-in-kannadaRaatri Raaniರಾತ್ರಿ ರಾಣಿ Raatreda Raaniरात की रानी Cestrum NocturnumSolanaceae
34PeriwinklePeriwinkle - Sada Pushpa in KannadaNithya Pushpaನಿತ್ಯಪುಷ್ಪ or ಸದಾ ಪುಷ್ಪ or ಬಟ್ಟಲು ಹೂವುNithya Pooसदाबहार
35Queen of the NightQueen of the Night flower kannada name -Brahma KamalaBrahma Kamala/Iruludavareಬ್ರಹ್ಮಕಮಲBrahma Thaamareब्रह्मकमल
36Jungle FlameJungle Flame - Kepula Poo in TuluKiskara or Kepula Hoovuಕೇಪುಳ ಹೂವುKepula Poo
37Egg ChampakEgg Champak flower -Motte Sampige in KannadaMotte Sampige or Hima Sampigeಮೊಟ್ಟೆ ಸಂಪಿಗೆ or ಹಿಮ ಸಂಪಿಗೆ
38White Garland-Lily or or White Ginger LilyGinger Lily _ Sugandhi in TuluSugandhiಸುಗಂಧಿSugandhi
39SkeanSurgi Poo in TuluSuragi Hoovuಸುರಗಿ ಹೂವುSurgi Poo
40MagnoliaMagnolia - Champa in KannadaChampaಚಂಪಾChampaचम्पा
41BalsamBalsam flower - Karnakundala in KannadaKarnakundalaಕರ್ಣಕುಂಡಲKarnakundalaगुल मेहँदी
42BougainvilleaPink Bougainvillea - Kaakaji Poo in TuluKagadada Hoovuಕಾಗದದ ಹೂKaakaji Poo
43Tuliptulip - Kannada Pushpa in KannadaKannada Pushpa/Tulipಕನ್ನಡ ಪುಷ್ಪकन्द पुष्प
44Red lotusRed Lotus - Kempu Kamala in KannadaKempu Kamalaಕೆಂಪು ಕಮಲKempu Thaamare
46Primroseprimrose-in-kannadaBasanthi Gulabiಬಸಂತಿ ಗುಲಾಬಿबसन्ती गुलाब
47Poppy Flowerpoppy-flower-in-kannadaKhaskhasಖಸಖಸ್Khaskasखसखस
48Daisydaisy-flower-in-kannadaDaisyಡೈಸಿDaisyगुलबहार का फूल
50Indian Tulipindian-tulip-in-kannadaAdavi Bende Maraಅಡವಿಬೆಂಡೆ ಮರपारस पीपल
52Blood Lilyblood-lily-in-kannadaRaktha Naidileರಕ್ತ ನೈದಿಲೆरक्त लिली
53Globe Amaranthglobe-amaranth-adike-hoo-in-kannadaBili Rudrakshi/Adike Hoovuಬಿಳಿರುದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ/ಅಡಿಕೆ ಹೂವು
55Aloe Vera Floweraloe-vera-flower-lole-sara-hoo-in-kannadaGhruthakumari/Lole Sara Hooಘೃತಕುಮಾರಿ/ಲೋಳೆ ಸರ ಹೂ घृत कुमारी
56Flamboyant/Royal Poinciana/Delonix RegiaDelonix Regia -Gulmohar in KannadaGulmohar/Kempu Thurayiಗುಲ್ಮೊಹರ್/ಕೆಂಪುತುರಾಯಿगुलमोहर
57PandanusPandanus flower - Kevada in KannadaKevada/Kedige/Mundige/MundovuಕೇವಡಾKedige/Mundige/Mundovuकेवड़ा
58Mexican Tuberosemexican-tuberose-rajanigandhi-in-kannadaRajanigandha/Rajanigandhiರಜನೀಗಂಧಾ/ರಾಜನಿಗಂಧಿ रजनीगन्धा
59Mexican Prickly Poppymexican-prickly-poppy-babbali-in-kannadaSathyanaashi/Datturi/Babbaliಸತ್ಯನಾಶಿ/ದತ್ತೂರಿ/ಬಬ್ಬಲಿ सत्यानाशी
60Canna Lilycanna-lily-hoodingana-in-kannadaHoodinganaಹೂದಿಂಗಣसर्वज्जय
61Blue Morning Gloryblue-morning-glory-koli-beeja-in-kannadaGowri Beeja, Kolli beejaಕೋಳಿ ಬೀಜ/ಗೌರಿ ಬೀಜ प्रातः श्री
62Butea Monospermabutea-monosperma-muttuga-in-kannada-657d2afbe42fdBrahma Vraksha/Muttuga/Paalashaಬ್ರಹ್ಮವೃಕ್ಷ/ಮುತ್ತುಗ/ಪಲಾಶपलाश के फुल
63Common Lantanacommon-lantana-kadujola-in-kannadaKaadujola/Kasooti Hoo/Chadurangaಕಾಡುಜೋಳ or ಲಂಟವಾಣಿराईमुनिया
64Ashok Flowerashok flower in tuluSitha Ashokaಸೀತಾ ಅಶೋಕसीता अशोक
65Pagoda FlowerPagoda-Flower-Kannada-Name-Ratha-PushpaRatha Pushpa/Krishnana Kireetaರಥ ಪುಷ್ಪ/ಕೃಷ್ಣನಕಿರೀಟRatha Pooहनुमान किरीट
Krishna KireedamKrishna Kireedam
66Peackcok FlowerPeackcok-Flower-Kannada-Name-Meese-HoovuRathna Gandhi or Meese Hoovu or Kenjigeರತ್ನಗಂಧಿ/ಮೀಸೆ ಹೂವು/ಕೆಂಜಿಗೆ Meese Pooगुलेतूरा फूल
67Kewda, Fragrant Screw Pandanus odorifeKewda-Tulu-Name-KedageKedageಕೇದಗೆKedageकेवड़ा
68Asiatic Lilyasiatic lily flower in tuluLiliಲಿಲಿLiliलिलि
70Neelakurinji Flowers (Blooms once in 12 Years)ನೀಲಕುರಿಂಜಿ-ಹೂವು-Neelakurinji-FlowerNeelakurinji Hoovuನೀಲಕುರಿಂಜಿ ಹೂವು
Neelakurinji Poo
71Anemone Flowerरत्नज्योति फूल
72Black Turmeric काली हल्दी
73Bluestar Flowerअसोनिया
74Burmann’s Sundewमुखजली
75Butea Mallowबिचता
76Butterfly Peaअपराजिता
77Chamomileबबुने का फुल
79Cockscombलाल मुर्ग़ा
80Columbine Flower कालंबिन फूल
81Common Crape Myrtle सावनी
82Creeperमधु मालती
83Bluebellजंगली हायसिंथ
85Forest Ghost forest-ghost-in-kannadaKaadu Devvaಕಾಡು ದೆವ್ವ Kaat Kuleआँकुरी बाँकुरी
86Foxtail Orchid द्रौपदी माला
87Golden Showerअमलतास
88Grand Crinum Lily नागदमनी
89Hiptageमाधवी पुष्प
91Indigo Flower नील फूल
92Ixora Coccinea रुग्मिनी
93Jasminum Sambac मोगरा
94Lady’s slipper orchidआर्किड फूल
96Millingtonia Hortensisनीम चमेली
97Mirabilis Jalapa मिराबिलिस जालपा
98Monsoon Lilyसफ़ेद मुस्ली
99Mountain Laurel माउंटेन लॉरेल
102Orange Tiger Lily नारंगी बाघ लिली
104Picotee Blue Morning Gloryपॉटोटी ब्लू मॉर्निंग ग्लोरी
105Pot Marigold गुले अशर्फ़ी
106Prickly Pearनागफनी
107Puncture Vineगोखरू
108Purple Passion झुमका लता
109Queen Crape Myrtleजरुल
110Ranunculus Flowerरनंगक्यलस फूल
112Shameplantshameplant-in-kannadaNaachike Mulluನಾಚಿಕೆ ಮುಳ್ಳು Naachikeda Mulluछूईमूई
113Scarlet Milkweed काकतुण्डी
114Showy Rattlepodसन्नी
115Siroi Lilyसिरोय कुमुदिनी
116Spanish Cherryमौलश्री का पुष्प
117Star Glory कामलता फूल
118Sweet Violetबनफशा का फूल
119Tanner’s Cassiaतरवड़
120Zombi Peaजंगली मूंग

On a global basis, the IUCN have estimated that about 10% of world’s vascular plant species totaling to about 20,000 to 25,000 species are under varying degrees of threat. The flora of India is very rich with an estimated 50,000 plant species, of which 15,000 are flowering plants. Of these, ca 5,000 species are endemic to India, while about 1500 species i.e. about 10% of the flowering plants, are under varying degrees of threat. Some 75 species of vascular plants are thought to be endemic to Eastern Ghat region of India spread across the states of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Karnataka. In a recent census, 17 endemic, 12 apparent endemic and 56 rare/endangered plant species have been reported from Orissa State alone.

Types of Flowers including Tulu Flwers

There are 5 types of flowers, categorized by their blooming cycles and plant characteristics. These categories include:

1. Annual flowers
2. Perennial flowers
3. Biennial flowers
4. Shrub flowers
5. Tree flowers

Check the following lists to see which flowers belong to each category.

Annual Flowers NamesPerennial Flowers Names

Perennial flowers are those that can bloom in every season and live for multiple growing seasons. Here is a compilation of names for perennial flowers:

1 Gladiolus
2 Gerbera
3 Baby’s breath/Gypsophila
4 Lantana
5 Mallow/Lavatera
6 Peruvian Daylily
7 Dropmore flowers
8 False Spirea
9 Amaranthus/Prince’s Feather
10 Daffodils
11 Graceland/Dahlia
12 Fairy Iris
13 Gentian Violet
14 Gardenia
15 Queen Anne’s Lace
16 Hibiscus/Rose of Sharon
17 Speedwell/Veronica Longifolia
18 Lavender
19 Lilac
20 Orchid

Biennial Flowers Names

Biennial flowering plants have two growing seasons. They develop stems, leaves, and roots in the first season and then produce flowers, fruits, and seeds in the second season. Here’s a list of biennial flowers:

1 Hollyhocks
2 Caraway Herb
3 Forget-me-not flowers
4 Sweet William
5 Black-eyed Susans
6 Angelica
7 Evening Primrose
8 Canterbury Bells
9 Foxglove

Shrub Flowers

Shrub flowers are used for ornamental purposes, often as hedges or groundcovers. Here are some examples of shrub flowers names:

1 Limelight Hydrangea
2 Spirea
3 Rhododendron
4 Korean Spice Viburnum
5 Lilac
6 flowering Quince
7 Forsythia
8 Weigela
9 Shrub Rose
10 Summer Lilac
11 Cinquefoil
12 Summersweet
13 Abelia
14 Buttonbush
15 Camellia

Tree Flowers Names

Explore the following list of tree flowers:

1 Gulmohar
2 Shadblow Serviceberry flowers
3 Pride of India
4 Yoshino Cherry
5 Silk Cotton Tree flowers
6 Indian Laburnum
7 White Dogwood
8 Parijat
9 Indian Coral Tree flowers
10 Saucer Magnolia
11 Bauhinia
12 Sita Ashok flowers
13 Indian Cork Tree flowers
14 Cherry Blossom
15 Eastern Redbud
16 Delta Blues Vi

More About the Some Common Flowers

Let’s learn more about some familiar flowers:

1. Poppy: Poppies are herbaceous plants with flowers in various colors, with red poppies being the most common.

2. Hibiscus: Also known as China Rose, hibiscus is common in India and comes in various colors. They also have medicinal uses.

3. Iris: Irises bloom in the summer or spring, with a variety of colors and shades, but they don’t have a strong scent.

4. Rose: Roses are sweet-smelling shrubs found in many countries. They have small thorns on their stems and come in various colors.

5. Jasmine: Jasmine belongs to the olive family and is white in color. They have a lovely sweet fragrance.

6. Sunflower: Sunflowers are yellow flowers native to Central and North America. They have long stems and turn to face the sun.

7. Lily: Lilies are herbaceous flowers that grow from bulbs. They come in many colors and types.

8. Marigold: Marigolds can be grown at home and come in two common species: French and American marigolds. They are bright orange, yellow, or reddish.

9. Lotus: Lotuses are often found in India, growing in muddy waters. They have large pink or white petals and large, waxy leaves.

10. Daffodil: Bright yellow daffodils grow in bunches in open spaces.

11. Lavender: Lavenders are scented, upright, purple flowers spikes primarily grown in Europe, Africa, and the Mediterranean regions.

12. Daisy: Daisies are common flowers found throughout Europe, with various species in different colors.

13. Dahlia: Dahlias are bushy, herbaceous plants with tuberous roots. They come in various sizes and colors, ranging from 2 to 5 inches.

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