tulu nadu culture

Tulu Nadu Culture

Tulu Nadu Culture and History Karnataka is not a homogeneous state as evidenced by its diversity including Tulu Nadu culture, Kodva culture etc. Kannada spoken in different regions are different. Even more surprising is the presence of two districts in Karnataka that speak entirely different languages, which makes one wonder how they were classified under…


500 Tulu Gadelu – Part1

500 Tulu Gadelu – Tulu Gaadegalu – ತುಳು ಗಾದೆಗಳು – Tulu Proverbs – Part1 Source: Sahasrardha Tulu Gadelu and Tulu Wikipedia 1 to 25 Gadelu in Kannada and English 1. ಅಂಬಿಗ್ ಬಜಂಟ್ ಸಾಕ್ಷಿ : ಹಸಿ ಸೆಗಣಿಗೆ ಒಣ ಸೆಗಣಿ ಸಾಕ್ಷಿ : Dry cow dung is an evidence for raw cow dung 2. ಅಂಗತ್ನೆಗ್ ಉಪ್ಪು ನೀರ್ ಪರ್ಪುನೆ…

sorokulu or vowels in tulu

Tulu Reading – Vowels

Tulu Reading – Vowels The Tulu script was mainly used by the migrated Tulu priests in Kerala to write Vedas and Mantras to remember around 11-12th century is popularly known as the Tulu Script. As this script form is popular in both Tulunadu(Current Mangalore and Udupi districts or known as undivided Dakshina Kannada district) and…